Poker is a card game of chance that requires both skill and luck. It is a great game to play with friends or even strangers and can help build social skills. However, there are some rules that need to be followed in order to maximize the enjoyment of the game and protect the player’s bankroll.

First, players must ante into the pot (the amount varies by game). Then, they are dealt 2 cards each. A round of betting starts after that and whoever has the highest hand at the end wins the pot.

When betting comes around to you, you can say “call” by putting the same number of chips into the pot as any previous player; “raise” by raising the bet; or “drop” by dropping out and forfeiting any money that was put into the pot. You can also decide to “fold” if your hand is weak or if you believe that someone else has a better hand than you.

It’s important to know when to fold. Oftentimes, making well-timed folds can protect your bankroll, minimize losses, and increase your overall profitability. However, it’s crucial to recognize and overcome cognitive biases such as fear of missing out or the desire to prove that you have a strong hand. You can learn to overcome these biases by focusing on long-term profitability and by learning how to read other players’ actions. This will enable you to make strategic decisions. You can also study experienced players’ gameplay and think about how you would react in similar situations to develop good instincts.