
SBOBET is an international bookmaker that has been a top choice among bettors around the world thanks to competitive odds and a huge selection of sports events. Their website works well on both desktop and mobile devices and offers a variety of betting options, including win and place bets and over/under bets. Moreover, they provide their players with a range of payment methods including international bank transfers and e-wallets like Neteller.

The SBOBET website is easy to navigate and has a clean design. Unlike most other online bookmakers, it has no territorial restrictions and offers excellent customer support. The site also supports a variety of languages and allows players to play for real money in their native currency. It is also safe and secure to use as it uses SSL encryption for all transactions.

In terms of the number of markets per fixture, SBOBET is a little below average, with 15 markets recorded in our last betting market survey. However, the site does offer a good range of exotic and handicap markets for many of its matches. It also has a high maximum payout cap and offers premium athletic handicapping options.

According to a recent employee satisfaction survey, employees at SBOBET are satisfied with the company culture and work environment. The majority of participants give their leadership a grade of B, which is comparable to the top 30% of similar size companies. In addition, they feel the company is progressive and that their management team cares about them.

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Cape Town, South Africa