How to Add Synonyms to Slot Types in Dialog Engine

A narrow depression or perforation in a surface, especially one for the fitting of a piece that fits snugly in it. A position within a schedule or sequence of events, such as the 2 pm slot.

In the beginning, slots used mechanical reels that allowed for only a single pay line. But as technology advanced, manufacturers added additional lines. Today, a computer algorithm determines whether or not a machine will pay out once the player presses the spin button. Unlike traditional gambling games, you cannot predict what symbols will appear and how much of them will land on the payline.

While it’s fun to spin the reels and see if you’ll strike it lucky, it’s important to play responsibly. Determine your gaming goals, assess the payout table and your bankroll to avoid spending more than you can afford to lose. Remember, slots are fast, exhilarating and addictive, so be sure to set limits before you get spinning!

You can also add synonyms to a slot type to allow Dialog Engine to recognize different words and phrases as the same entity value. For example, a regular expression such as [A-Z]*2d3,4$ can be used to map the slot type value to flight codes when creating a travel bot. To create a custom slot type, click the Slot Types page and select Add Custom Slot Type. Then choose a name and select the option to Allow Synonyms. If you enable this, then when a user says NYC, the bot will match it to New York.

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